Sunday, March 23, 2014

Egg Salad Twist

I love being on Pinterest because it not only gives me a place to organize and place items, such as recipes, it also gives me access to other people's boards so I can see the recipes that they are pinning. It's been my goal to try recipes instead of just collecting them...I mean, what good is collecting a recipe if you aren't going to try it, eh? 

This weekend, someone pinned one of my recipes and because I have notifications enabled on my phone from Pinterest (yeah, not sure why I haven't changed that) so I checked out her recipe page where she pinned the recipe I had on my board. Lo and behold, I found an avocado recipe (If you've read any of my entries on this blog, you know how much I dig avo!) But, I digress. I found an avocado egg salad recipe and being the egg salad lover that I am, while I don't eat it very often at all, I decided I wanted to try it this weekend. It looked quick and easy so during my midnight grocery run on Friday night, I was pleased to find the large Haas avocados on sale for 2/$5. I usually buy the little avocados because I can get them on sale for $.99 or $1.29 at Albertsons but I knew I needed large avos for this recipe so I was totally in luck! Yes...obviously I'm bored if I get excited about avocados on a Friday night. 

The original recipe was really pretty simple: 
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs
  • 1 large avocado, cubed as you see above
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise or Vegenaise (we used it b/c we don't love mayo)
  • 1 teaspoon curry or fenugreek powder
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
Of course, I had to adjust since I have my own "style" of eating, meaning things I love and things I don't love. One thing in particular are the yolks in the egg. UGH! I will eat deviled eggs and I realize the *devil* are the yolks but typically I shy away from the yolks in a hard boiled egg. So, here's what my recipe looked like: 
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs (yolks removed)
  • 1 large avocado, cubed as you see below
  • 10 cherry tomatoes in quarters (you could choose to use more if you think that you would like more, 10 just seemed like a good balance)
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil Mayonnaise (depending on your eating habits, you could switch this out for the Vegenaise from the original recipe if you are on a gluten-free diet. Apparently the Kraft OO Mayo is gluten-free, which is what I use). 
  • Season with Jane's Krazy Mixed Up Salt
  • Pepper
I love the Jane's mixed up salt because it has onion and garlic in it as well as other spices. One other thing that I will do when I make this again, since I didn't include the yolks, I will not use 2 tablespoons of was just a little too much unless you LOVE mayonnaise. Quite frankly, I do love it but it was too much, even for this southern girl. 

Anyway, I just cut up the eggs, avocado and tomato and placed them in a bowl: 

I added the mayo, seasoned and it ready was to go. I decided to eat it as a wrap (see below) but I know this would be fabulous over a bed of spinach (I probably should have gone with that option but I was just wanting a wrap today), on a gluten-free roll, on regular sandwich bread...well, you get the choose how you want to eat it! 

This was fantastic! Fresh tasting, light, filling and enjoyable. Oh...did I mention aside from the 10 minutes boiling the eggs that it really only takes about 5 minutes to make, which includes chopping the avocado, tomato and egg. Fast, easy and fresh! 

Additionally, this whole salad was only 497 calories (that's just the salad). The biggest calorie item was the avocado at 289 calories. So...put it on a bed of greens and enjoy the whole thing! 

Enjoy your day! 

#eatfreshbewell #eatfresh #bewell #avocadolover 


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Noodle Me This: Thai Ginger Chicken Soup

I love noodles...I mean really love them. I could eat noodles every single day; noodles of any kind. I have a very odd love of Ramen noodles, which is terrible because they are so terrible for you. One whole package is almost 400 calories and when I cook them, I'm going for the noodles, not the noodle soup so I have two packages. Oh my...terrible, terrible.

I'm working my way through other noodle types, Barilla now makes gluten free noodles, Ancient Harvest has quinoa noodles but they are still relatively high in carbohydrates. I realize there is some other nutritional value to the quinoa noodles like protein but my body just cannot handle complex carbohydrates. What's a noodle-loving gal like me supposed to do with that?

Well, I have bought shiritaki noodles in the past and used them in stir fry so I decided to splurge and buy a case of them (no more excuses to keep Ramen in the cabinets) to make noodle soups. Here's the cool thing about shiritaki noodles, they are made from yam paste and the ones that do not contain tofu have "0" calories...yep, that's right, they are also high in fiber! I bought a case from Genki USA. They had free shipping, I ordered and I swear I had them in two days. I was able to find shiritaki noodles at Publix, when I lived in Alabama, but I haven't been able to find them in the two stores I buy groceries at here in Idaho, so with free shipping, it was worth the order. Plus I'm pretty sure I paid less per bag than I did when I buy the single bags at the grocer AND they gave me a coupon to use for my next purchase.

The next challenge was to come up with something that was good, something that I enjoyed. So, when I was at Albertson's buying chicken broth, I noticed that Swanson's now has Thai Ginger broth. Well, that sounded very promising so I bought it in preparation for my new recipe. For the whole carton, there is only 120 calories (that's for four cups of broth).

To make my noodle soup I used the following:

10 oz. fresh chicken breast (cut into bite size pieces). There was no rhyme or reason to the use of 10 ounces, that is just how much chicken was in the package I bought.
1 head of bok choy (cut into slices and cut the leafy sections into smaller pieces. I only used half the boy choy in the soup)
1 small can of straw mushrooms
2 pkgs of Angel Hair Shiritaki Noodles

(This recipe easily makes four servings or less, depending on how hungry you are). Let's do the math on the calories for the whole pot. 1 oz. of chicken breast is 35 calories, so we have 350 calories of chicken. There are 9 whole calories in a cup of bok choy (I probably used 1 1/2 cup). 120 calories for the broth and 15 calories for the whole can of straw mushrooms.

Total Calories for the Whole Pot: 500!!!

Pour broth into saucepan and add chicken. Cook on high until chicken is done. Add the bok choy and cook for five minutes on medium. Add the straw mushrooms and the shiritaki noodles and cook for three more minutes on medium. Remove from heat and serve.


The bottom photo is the finished soup in my bowl that I had for lunch today. I really did enjoy it, got my noodle fix, ate healthy and low calorie. Oh yeah!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Fish Tale-Orange Honey Halibut

I have been thinking about that fish in my freezer for three days now, hence the title, A Fish Tale.  It was such a pretty piece of fish that I had to do something special rather than just bake it in some lemon and seasonings, although that is sometimes just as good as anything else. However, I'm trying to eat lean and ensure that I enjoy what I'm eating and that it isn't just a *chore* to eat healthy. 

Growing up so close and living close to the Gulf Coast, fish and seafood were always easy to come by. Any time I would go to the beach, when I would return home, I would hit the grocery and most of my "meat" take home was fish for a good month. I just love fish but sometimes it can be a little boring. I remember during the summer I was complaining on Facebook that now that I live in Idaho, the abundance of shrimp and the fish that I enjoy are not here. However, I got lucky a few weeks ago and learned that our local Butcher Block (the name of the store) also sells fish! I was a happy camper, particularly learning that all of the shrimp they carry is gulf shrimp and that she can get me anything I want. Since I was in a hurry that day, I settled for this beautiful piece of Ahi and a nice 1 lb. fillet of halibut. I've been trying to think of something to do with that fish but just never came up with something exciting. I mean, if you are trying to eat healthy you should at least look for low calorie ways to jazz up your food.

After looking through a bunch of the fish posts that I had pinned on Pinterest, I decided to come up with my own bastardized recipe (meaning I took ideas from several recipes). I came up with orange and honey marinade and on the side an orange/avocado (told you I loved them) salsa. Oh yeah, this was a good one! So, here's how it went and the recipe:

  • 1/2 cup of orange juice (you can squeeze fresh, which is always nice, or use bought. If you use bought, stay away from anything that is concentrate, always go with 100% juice. I used the Trop50, so the orange juice for the marinade was only 25 calories). 
  • 4 teaspoons raw honey (as I mentioned in my posting about tea, you want raw, local honey). Remember, honey is only 22 calories per teaspoon and since you are using it as a marinade, you aren't killing yourself with 88 calories) 
  • 4 teaspoons of EVOO (that's extra virgin olive oil. You could also use coconut oil or grapeseed oil if you prefer. I like to use grapeseed but unfortunately, I only have olive in the kitchen right now). 
  • 1 pound of halibut (Quite frankly, you can use any fresh you want but you want a nice meaty fish like salmon, grouper, etc). 
Mix the juice, honey and EVOO together and take my word for it, mix it in a bowl first. Usually when I create marinades, I just slosh it all together in the baggie but that honey will stick to the sides and you'll be cursing so take it from me, mix it in a bowl first THEN pour it in the baggie after you have dissolved the honey in the juice. Put the fish in, seal and refrigerate for at least an hour. 

The next part of this dish is a side of salsa. So here's how that goes: 
  • 1 1/2 large oranges (I used navel because I didn't want seeds and that's really all I had on hand). I sliced, peeled and then just cut into pieces. You might want to be a little more elegant than me and peel, separate the sections then slice. I just went for the slice and then peel method. 
  • 1 avocado (cut into I have to tell you that!)
  • 1/4 cup of cilantro. (Always use fresh cilantro since you won't get that flavor burst from dried. Additionally, I like to *cut* my cilantro with scissors so I'm getting nice pieces of that wonderful herb)
  • 1 teaspoon of EVOO
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper (this did kick the salsa a little bit, but I like that kind of kick. You might want to use less or use cumin or chili powder instead. You just want a little seasoning to give it a little somethin', somethin'). 
  • 1/4 cup of lime juice. 
  • Optional: raw onion. (Yeah, if you read my earlier post, you know I do not like raw onion but for some folks, raw onion would be a nice addition. 
Mix all of this together and refrigerate while you are waiting for the fish to marinade. 

Heat the oven to 400 (after the fish has marinated an hour) and cook. Because the fish was as thick as it was, I cooked 25 minutes. I poured just a little of the marinade over the fish and lightly seasoned with sea salt. You don't want to put all of the marinade in with the fish since you don't want it swimming in marinade, even though fish like swimming...not as good for them while they are cooking! 

I chose to accompany my fish dish with asparagus. Nothing fancy, just used my Calphalon fajita pan and sauteed in a little EVOO and seasoned with Jane's Crazy Mixed Up Salt (Love that stuff since it has onion and garlic powder and a few other tasty herbs). 

Here is the final result. This is 1/2 of the halibut, so essentially, this recipe could serve two adults or you could add another side like saffron rice (that would probably be a very nice accompaniment, but alas I'm not eating rice right now) and get 4 smaller servings from the fish. After eating this salsa with this fish, I really don't think anything but I nice big, meaty white fish will work and lemme tell ya, this was as yummy as I thought it would be! 

Well, I'm off to think of something fun and healthy to cook tomorrow night since my grandkids are coming for a spend the night party. Hmmm, yep homework for me! 

Eat Fresh, Be Well (#eatfreshbewell)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Romancing the Avocado

Yeah, I know, that's a cheesy title but quite honestly, I look for ways to incorporate avocado into a meal every single day so I do love avocados. I know that some people think that the high fat content makes them a food that you might not want to eat often but the health benefits of the avocado far outweigh that idea. The protein and fiber alone make this fruit an excellent choice. In fact, they are good for lowering cholesterol and have fat burning benefits as well. Aside from that, I just love avocados!!! 

As I stated in another post, one of my goals is to start trying some of those recipes I have been collecting on Pinterest. So, tonight, I made myself the most awesome salad which, of course, contained avocado. The original recipe is Zesty Lime, Shrimp and Avocado salad. Of course, I modified it and my recipe is for one serving. Trying this recipe tonight also gave me the opportunity to use my new avocado slicer. That is one of my new really cool kitchen tools...makes slicing proportional pieces so easy. Check it out below! 

So, here's the recipe for one serving: 

1 tbsp of olive oil (extra virgin...EVOO)
1/8 cup of lime juice (I used concentrated in the squeeze bottle since I only had one small lime in the house). Fresh lime juice is always best. 
8 cherry tomatoes (quartered) 
1 medium avocado
12 cooked shrimp (I used jumbo shrimp so depending on the size, you might want to use a few more) 
2 boiled eggs (I only used the whites. This is where I deviated from the original recipe since the original didn't call for eggs)
Fresh cilantro (you can use as much as you like and I like a lot of cilantro). 

I also eliminated the raw onions from the original recipe because I hate raw onions. 

In a bowl, combine the olive oil and lime juice and stir. Chop up the tomatoes, avocado, shrimp and eggs and toss them into the bowl with the EVOO and well, toss. Salt and pepper to taste then stir in the cilantro. I also served this on top of fresh spinach and it was a great evening meal. 

Naturally, you can increase this recipe if you're feeding more people or use these proportions if you are serving this as an opening appetizer. It's a great choice! 


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

But Water is So Boring!

We all know how good water is for us. For some folks, drinking tons of water a day is an easy task, for others (like me), I have to constantly remind myself to keep my water glass full. I will be honest, I've done so well with drinking water as of late that if I don't drink at least three 24 oz. glasses of water, my body reminds me. How does it do that, well oddly enough one evening I started noticing that my lips were getting chapped and I had not been outside in the cold at all. I drank two 24 oz glasses of water and the next morning, my lips were fine again. I guess it could be worse, eh? 

My problem is, water is so boring to drink. All that watery goodness is just hard to handle unless you figure out a way to drink it without the boring factor. So, I have several methods that help me stay on top of my water in-take. 

Method 1: Keep the little food keeper (Tupperware or whatever you call it) full of lemon and lime slices. I will drink water all day long with lemons and limes squeezed into it. I will not drink as much water if I don't have the fruit sliced up so I make sure that I always have slices of fruit (again, for me it's lemons and might prefer a different fruit). I will also admit to being lazy about the whole fruit slicing thing, so I make sure that when cutting up veggies and such at night for dinner, that I take that time to slice more fruit. 

Method 2: I use a 24 oz. Cool Gear cup. Not only does it keep my water nice and cool, I will drink water more quickly if I am drinking through a straw. Not a big mystery, really, but it definitely helps me, otherwise I sip and I do not refill my glass as often. 

Method 3: TEA! I try to always keep a pitcher of tea in the fridge. Seriously, tea is just flavored water and how you choose to flavor your water is all up to you. Here's the deal with me, I do not like hot drinks so I always drink iced tea. My all time favorite tea: Wild Berry Plum by Republic of Tea. I used to sell ROT in my store in Alabama so I always had tea on hand. Now that I'm in Idaho, I can't find ROT so easily so I settle for the next best thing Red Zinger by Celestial Seasonings. Quite frankly, I love any tea that has hibiscus in it! 

The cool thing about herbal teas is that you get lots of flavor with no caffeine. However, even with green tea, the caffeine is minimal but the health benefits with polyphenols and EcG cannot be beat. Don't take my word for it, Health Benefits of Tea. The great thing is there are so many tea varieties to choose from that you just cannot go wrong...well, unless you don't know how to steep your tea. If you are brewing white tea, you only steep for 1 minute. White tea is as close to a pure tea leaf as you can get so it can be strong. If you over-steep white tea, you might end up with it tasting so strong that you wondered why you paid so much for tea that doesn't taste all that great. If you brew green tea, you only want to let the bags steep for 2 minutes...again, you don't want to make it too strong or you may not like it. Black tea should steep for 4 minutes and herbals are the longest at 5 minutes. ROT makes this cool little hour glass timer for tea and I use it. 

Normally I will drink my tea with nothing else in it but on occasion I might put in a tsp of raw honey per half gallon. Honey has its own health benefits and at 22 calories a tsp, I'm not getting that much raw honey. There are so many tea choices that you are bound to find something to satisfy even the most particular of tastes. 
Republic of Tea
Wow...I'm getting thirsty and I hear the teapot calling my name! 


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Keeping the Spaghetti Real

I have always loved pasta. Even though I know I do not come from an Italian heritage, I'm fairly certain that it's in my blood; how it got there I'm unsure but I love all things Italian! Unfortunately, I don't do great with pasta (complex carbohydrates) from a health perspective since I turn those types of carbohydrates into sugar and if I'm gonna have sugar in me, I want to ingest it! I take medication to keep my sugar levels reasonable. I'm not a diabetic but if I didn't mind what I eat, I very well could be. I literally crave pasta because I think that creating "something" that goes over pasta is just good food. However, I usually only eat pasta about once per month so I've been looking for something to help "feed my need" while not throwing my insulin levels out the window. 

Anyway, I love to find recipes and post to Pinterest. Well, not just recipes but other things as well but recipes has been high on my Pinterest board list. This week I kept seeing a pin from many folks for "one pot spaghetti". So, tonight I figured, I would give it a try so I looked up those recipes and honestly, I was not overly impressed...I think the recipes were just too simple for me. So, I took some liberties while following some of their instructions and in order to keep it more healthy, I also made some other adjustments as well. 

For instance, I used the Ancient Harvest brand of quinoa noodles (rotini) tonight. I also used ground turkey instead of ground beef and I put way more seasoning than they called for in their recipes. I also used Classico traditional tomato and basil since it has the least amount of sugars of any canned or pre-prepared pasta sauce. While I deviated from the recipes that I found online, I did not deviate from the "one pot approach". I must say, it's not really what I'm used to when I prepare spaghetti but it made for a good dinner. 

Here's the recipe: 

1/2 large onion
2 cloves of garlic (elephant...meaning big cloves). You might like yours more garlicky so adjust as needed. 
2 small sweet peppers (these are like bell peppers but not as "bell peppery tasting". I don't dig bells). 
2 Tbsp EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
1.25 lbs ground turkey
Baby portabellas (use as many as you like, again, this is all about what you like) 
14 oz. free range chicken broth
1 jar Classico tomato and basil
1 14 oz can diced tomatos (I always use basil, garlic and oregano ones and don't drain). 
12 oz. rotini pasta
Salt and Pepper to taste

I put the first three items in a food processor since I love to hit a button and "chop-o". 

In a large saucepan or pot, saute the above chopped vegetables on medium in the EVOO until they are tender, don't overcook. Brown the turkey (I didn't drain it and the dish wasn't greasy). Add the mushrooms, chicken broth, tomato sauce, tomatoes and pasta. I then lightly salted (note, I didn't salt until this step) and added the basil and oregano. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer for about 16-19 minutes (depending on how you like your pasta) and I checked it every 5 minutes or so, stirring. Depending on your stove, you might need to add a little water if the liquid evaporates and the pasta still needs a little more cook time. Unlike the recipes I found, I didn't use water since I used a can of diced tomatoes...just figured it gave me a little extra liquid and didn't need the water. I was right. The consistency of the dish was perfect and while it didn't taste like my traditional spaghetti, it was very good. 

Here's the thing about this recipe, it's gluten-free as well. If you are a vegetarian, don't use turkey, use zucchini, broccoli or other meaty vegetables instead. I have plans to take traditional recipes and find ways to reduce the fat and calories as well as finding alternative sources for food I love like pasta. I love quinoa and this pasta definitely "kept the spaghetti real". 
