Thursday, May 8, 2014

Crab Stuffed Avocado

I had some crab left over from my crab stuffed jalapeno recipe that I cooked on Sunday evening.  I needed to do something with it so it wouldn't ruin and I wouldn't have to toss money in the garbage. I wanted to stick with something a little lighter tonight and since I had some avocado and tomatoes that needed to be used, I decided to create a crab salad and stuff it into avocado. I looked up a few recipes online but I really didn't like what I found. One had raw onion and bell pepper (I don't do raw onion and I never do bell pepper) but I liked that the recipe called for olive oil. A second recipe that I found used mayonnaise, I didn't want to use mayo, but I liked the idea of using cucumbers. 

So...armed with some ideas, I decided to create my own version of an avocado crab salad. Here are the results: 

Crab Salad

Serving size: 1

1 lg. avocado (pull the majority of the meat out to use in the crab salad but leave a little in the avocado shell if you like...I did). 
1/2 lg. cucumber, diced
1 Roma tomato, diced
4 oz. crab meat (I used real meat...not the kind you find by the tuna but I guess you could use that in a pinch).
2 lg lemon slices (since I was only making this for me, I didn't need to go overboard on the lemon) 
1/4 tsp. fresh cilantro (chopped)
Jane's Krazy Salt (I love this stuff because it has other seasonings)
2 tsp. EVOO
2 tsp. Balsamic vinegar

Cut the avocado in half and scoop out the meat. Put in bowl along with cucumber, tomato, crab. Squeeze lemon over mixture. Add cilantro, then season to taste (you can use just plain ole' salt and pepper instead of the Jane's). Add EVOO and balsamic vinegar and mix.  Scoop mixture into avocado skins, garnish with a fresh piece of cilantro. 

Nutrition information: Avocado (234 calories), 4 oz. crab meat (100 calories), 1/2 cucumber (8 calories), Roma tomato (23 calories), EVOO (approx. 80 since 1 tbsp is 119 calories), and balsamic vinegar (8 calories). So...overall, this delish dish is about 450 calories. 

I served it with a side of sliced fruit. Yep...filling, fresh and yummy!!! 

EatFresh, BeWell

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